Surprised that there’s no stats on Asian donors. For East Asians, it’s often cultural belief.


I’ve also written about donor conception myself. Most recently here:


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Most of the studies included "Asian" as a race category, but the findings for that group were not always significantly different from those of the other groups. The Hobbs paper found that 18.6% identified as Asian compared with 6.5% of the US male population and 10.2% of donor sperm recipients, suggesting an "over-representation" for sperm donors vs an under-representation. The Jones sperm donor study found that Asian respondents indicated “My spouse/partner would not want me to be a donor” was the top consideration for not donating (also in the top 3 for Caucasian and Black participants). Another top consideration for Asian respondents was “Would not want my other children to be raised away from their siblings”; this was not in the top 3 for any other ethnic groups.

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That's interesting. Maybe it's different for egg donors. Especially from what I was told and what the clinic in Minnesota says. As well as personal experience. Also, the family thing is really big. There could be A LOT of shame behind it.

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Yes, I imagine if the researchers did deeper data collection/analysis that more nuance would show up for the reasons why people don't want to donate.

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Which, unfortunately, they never do. They only want what they want to see, which isn’t that kind of nuance. It doesn’t fit their narrative of “diversity.”

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Thought you’d be Interested the Asian egg bank feature in this newsletter https://mailchi.mp/fertilitybridge/setting-the-bar-roohi-jeelani-donate-love?e=879ba31ca0

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Thanks, but the article is more about egg preservation and infertility than donation (or the reluctance to donate to strangers). There’s little discussion on cultural stigma (I don’t know about south Asian cultures but Confucian influenced East Asian cultures have a strong belief in continuing the family bloodline) on that topic.

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